Welcome to my first Web Page

Egor Zapatylak

About Me

Hi, my name is Egor. I want to change my life dramatically and expand my areas of competence. I think that studying programming in JS will just allow you to do this.Lazy to the point of horror, but I think that from the house, there is always something interesting and new =)


  • On you with a computer and the necessary (for everyday tasks) programs.
  • t the moment there are no programming skills.
  • I know HTML and CSS quite a bit.

Code Examples

            Код на JavaScript:

            let x = 5
            let y = 10
            let t = x
            x = y
            y = t
            ;[x, y] = [y, x]


As for experience, everything is scant here. I will not show specific parts of the code in the sense of their lack, but I really want to learn and will soon close this gap in my resume!


Just a blank sheet! (and in the shower energy engineer)

JavaScript Manual on learnjavascript.ru (in progress)

RS Schools Course «JavaScript/Front-end. Stage 0» 2022 (in progress)


Russian - Native

English - A1 according to the test from EPAM
